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Why pages aren’t indexed

 There are several reasons why pages may not be indexed by search engines like Google:

1. New pages: If a page is recently created, it may take some time for search engines to discover and index it.

2. No links: If a page has no incoming links from other websites, search engines may not find it.

3. Poor content quality: Thin, low-quality, or duplicate content may not be indexed.

4. Technical issues: Pages with technical problems like crawl errors, slow loading speed, or mobile usability issues may not be indexed.

5. Blocked by robots.txt: If a website's robots.txt file blocks search engine crawlers, pages may not be indexed.

6. Meta tags: Pages with meta tags like "noindex" or "nofollow" may not be indexed.

7. Sitemap issues: If a website's sitemap is not properly submitted or is invalid, pages may not be indexed.

8. Penalties: Pages or websites with penalties due to spamming or violating search engine guidelines may not be indexed.

9. Lack of crawlability: Pages with complex navigation or JavaScript-heavy content may not be crawlable.

10. Indexing limits: Search engines may have limits on the number of pages they index from a single website.

To resolve indexing issues, ensure your website has:

- High-quality, unique content

- Proper technical setup (e.g., fast loading speed, mobile-friendliness)

- Clear navigation and linking structure

- Proper meta tags and robots.txt configuration

- Submitted and valid sitemap

- Regularly updated content

If you're still facing issues, consider consulting with an SEO expert or contacting the search engine's support team.

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